


Olygen Sdn Bhd invites Dr. Toa Charm to chair the 3rd Big Data World Show Malaysia 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Oct 6, 2015.

With the aggressive growth of Big Data in SEA, the focus has been driven to understand the concept of Big Data as a powerful tool in valuing data and to make the most out of it. This conference will be the perfect ground to engage emerging challenges faced and provide comprehensive Big Data solutions required in daily business operations.

Hong Mian Hui She of HKU SPACE Institute for China Business invited Dr.Toa Charm to share his experience on the “When Big Data Meets HR” in the Big Data Forum in Guangzhou China on Sep 13, 2015 in Shenzhen.

Then event of “When Big data meets HR” was successfully held.  Dr. Toa Charm’s participation in the talk was highly appreciated and accepted by the audiences and organizers, over 130 senior managers and HR professional attended to learnt about the application of Big Data to HR. For more information about the event, please login as GCE members or join our membership. How important is Big Data to Human resources? What really is Big Data? If you look for the answer, click into the link and  learn more about the event “When Big Data Meets HR”. http://create.maka.im/display/preview/mb?id=9OHXC2SN

CargoSmart & Splunk invites Dr.Toa Charm to share his experience on the “What’s Big Data, the trend and career opportunity in Hong Kong” in the Big Data, Big Opportunity in Hong Kong Science Park ShaTin on Sep 12, 2015.

Big Data is the most hyped technology in the past few years. How to drive your success through big data analytic? What are the trends and career opportunities in Hong Kong? What skills and knowledge can you get from Big Data Analytics? Click into the link and  learn more about the event “Big Data, Big Opportunity”. For more information of the event, click the link below.


 Join a panel of experts to get the latest perspective on how big data analytics and applications are transforming organizations across a range of industries in Hong Kong. Dr Toa Charm will look at the trends in big data in Hong Kong, where the market is heading and feedback from companies in Hong Kong engaged in big data projects.

Join a panel of experts to get the latest perspective on how big data analytics and applications are transforming organizations across a range of industries in Hong Kong.

This event provides an opportunity for those not in IT, but those engaged in the operational side of organisations to learn about:

  • New developments in the rapidly-changing world of big data
  • Best practices
  • How to leverage the technologies for business transformation
  • Big data projects in Hong Kong and their outcomes

In the keynote, Dr Toa Charm, Vice President & Chair of BI and Big Data Special Interest Group of the Hong Kong Computer Society will look at the trends in big data in Hong Kong, where the market is heading and feedback from companies in Hong Kong engaged in big data projects.

The event is ideally suited for those in marketing, sales, operations, finance and other lines of business managers from both local Hong Kong and multinational organisations.

Big data analysis will become key element.

Taiwan Magazine — “Business Technology Leadership” — invites Dr. Toa Charm, to share his view on “big data analysis will become key element in the future development” in Taiwan on August 25.




Business Technology Leadership (website: http://www.cio.com) Serving Chief Information Officers (CIOs), other IT leaders, as well as the ecosystem that surrounds and interacts with them, CIO.com, CIO Executive Programs, CIO Strategic Marketing Services and CIO magazine are produced by CXO Media, an award-winning business unit of IDG Enterprise.

Starting in 1987, CIO’s portfolio of properties has grown to provide technology and business leaders with insight and analysis on information technology trends and a keen understanding of IT’s role in achieving business goals.

Professor Andrew C. F. Chan, Director of eMBA Program, Chinese University of Hong Kong, has invited Dr. Toa Charm to share his experience on big data and how big data synergies with Prof. Chan’s well-known “Left-Right Circles” theory, with his eMBA program’s current students and alumni.  Dr. Lawrence Wong also participated in this seminar and shared his views in the Q&A session as well. 

Professor Andrew C. F. Chan, Director of eMBA Program, Chinese University of Hong Kong, has invited Dr. Toa Charm to share his experience on big data and how big data synergies with Prof. Chan’s well-known “Left-Right Circles” theory, with his eMBA program’s current students and alumni.   Over 100 people attended the seminar and asked quite a lot of sensible and practical questions on how Hong Kong companies can make use of big data.  Dr. Charm had a very interactive Q&A session with the students.  Dr. Lawrence Wong also participated in this seminar and shared his views in the Q&A session as well.   The feedback was very positive.  The organizer of CUHK eMBA Annual Conference was one of the participants and had invited Dr. Charm to moderate a panel discussion on big data in the annual conference in Oct 27, 2015.

How important is Big Data to Human resources? What really is Big Data? THong Mian Hui She invited Dr.Toa Charm to share his experience on the “When Big Data Meets HR” in the Big Data Forum in Guangzhou China on Sep 13, 2015 in Shenzhen.


  • 如何衡量人力资源活动的有效性,如业务转型、招聘计划,参与改进?如何提高这些计划使这些方案能成功与公司的业绩直接挂钩?
  • 如何知道谁是最优秀的人员?这样你才可以设法利用策略来留住他们。最优秀的员工通常是隐藏的,除了绩效管理,你还能应用其他什么措施?
  • 应该聘用谁?怎么能确保这些新员工可以表现优异?如何确保新成员都能有效地融入你的组织?
  • 80%的销售额通常由20%的销售人员完成。谁是这20%,为什么他们如此特别?想要探索为何这20%的人有能力实现的业绩?
  • 如何预测增长的关键工作领域?如何确保当企业快速成长时招聘的人员不会过少,而当企业发展缓慢时不会雇用的太多?



– 人力资源总监/经理,培训经理,招聘人员等人力资源专业人士
– 高级管理层和企业高管
– 对大数据及人力资本的应用有兴趣的人员

With the rise of Internet Finance and Big Data, there is a Fin-tech (financial technology) boom around world.  Fin-tech is bound to bring a shock to the current financial system . Dr. Toa Charm, who has worked in Great China, Asia-Pacific, American and many other top multinational companies as  senior manager, is invited to share his first view on fin-tech. Hope this may help the financial industry in Taiwan to face the challenge of trend.

隨著互聯網金融與大數據的興起,全球陷入Fin-tech (financial technology,金融科技)熱潮,Fin-Tech對現行的金融體系勢必帶來一場震撼。高盛預估,金融科技產業將從華爾街金融業手中搶下4.7兆美元營收和4,700億美元獲利。但這場革命其實也是源自現有金融機構內的科技創新,將改變傳統付費、借款和投資的方式。

面對金融3.0的衝擊,隨著實體銀行的減少,金融服務邁入虛擬化趨勢,未來行動通訊、網路、社群媒體、物聯網及開放資料(open data)等,都會影響銀行業務發展。金融3.0的關鍵,在於如何在金融商品的創新、服務管道的便利與理財風險之中,做好平衡發展,傳統金融機構面臨全新的數位化挑戰。


Big data is not just a new technology or a system. It is about business transformation and monetization opportunities. In this session, Dr. Toa Charm is invited by HKAL to share the disruptive power of big data, critical success factors of making it happen, and its implications to supply chain industry with participants.

Big data is not just a new technology or a system. It is about business transformation and monetization opportunities. Big data promises to transform an organization from a retrospective, batch, data constrained, monitor the business environment into a predictive, real-time, data hungry, and optimize the business environment. It leverages the unique and actionable insights gleaned about your customers, products, and operations to rewire our value creation processes, optimize our key business initiatives, and uncover new monetization opportunities.

Areas to be covered in the seminar:
1. Analyze big data business models and their disruptiveness in different industries
2. Understand the implications of big data to supply chain industry
3. Formulate big data strategy, roadmap, business cases and ROI measurement
4. Explore organizational and technical challenges in a big data journey


What is the importance of Big Data to Human Resources? What is Big Data? On 2015 June 18, HKU SPACE China Business School invited Dr. Toa Charm to help HR manager and top enterprise managers understanding how to use big data to manage human resources in a more efficient way, and build sustainable competitive advantage through big data analysis.  


  • 如何衡量人力资源活动的有效性,如业务转型、招聘计划,参与改进?如何提高这些计划使这些方案能成功与公司的业绩直接挂钩?
  • 如何知道谁是最优秀的人员?这样你才可以设法利用策略来留住他们。最优秀的员工通常是隐藏的,除了绩效管理,你还能应用其他什么措施?
  • 应该聘用谁?怎么能确保这些新员工可以表现优异?如何确保新成员都能有效地融入你的组织?
  • 80%的销售额通常由20%的销售人员完成。谁是这20%,为什么他们如此特别?想要探索为何这20%的人有能力实现的业绩?
  • 如何预测增长的关键工作领域?如何确保当企业快速成长时招聘的人员不会过少,而当企业发展缓慢时不会雇用的太多?
