


Finally completed the “Data Monetization Strategy: Creating Value Through Data” program organized by MIT Sloan School of Management 美國麻省理工大學斯隆商學院. It was one of the best data strategy programs in the recent few years. Even I have solid experience and background on AI and Big Data, I found that this program provides very relevant practices to monetize our data asset.

Big thanks to Dr. Barb Wixom‘s sharing and effort to put together this insightful program for us. My classmates or learning partners were from all over the world but we have a common goal to find the best way to monetize data. We formed a cross-country, cross-company and cross-function community and had lots of forums in the program to exchange views on relevant topics. That was one of the best parts in the program.

The course was not that easy as we might think of. It took me a few months to go through a series of modules and assignments. However, it is worth spending effort on this course out of my already-packed schedule.

The program had quite strict requirement to grant the certification to the participants and really tested my knowledge and persistence. My drive is that we are not just learning a new technology. To stay relevant in today’s digitally-disruptive world, we got to have the mindset to keep learning and innovating. Grateful that I did it and was granted the certificate.

My key takeaway is that it takes more than data and technology to monetize data effectively. Democratizing data literacy to everyone at all business levels and empowering them with data mindset are critical for data monetization success. That is what my team and I at OpenCertHub Academy have been empowering quite a few enterprises in Asia to do so.

If you would like to know more about this MIT program, here is a good video for it https://lnkd.in/gVZcdnuq

Enjoy learning and innovating!
