


Big Data is undoubtedly one of the most visible technologies affecting development of the digital economy and industries across the board. It provides deep insight and understanding into customer behaviour, and creates a raft of opportunities for creative marketing. Learn how to harness the power of Big Data from the tech-savvy. Moderator: Toa Charm, Chairperson, Business Intelligence and Big Data Special Interest Group, Hong Kong Computer Society Speakers: – Tony Tai, General Manager, IBM China / Hong Kong Limited – Patrik Forsstrom, Head of Business Intelligence, Cathay Pacific Airways – Andy Ann, Founder and CEO, NDN Group (HK) Limited

Big Data is undoubtedly one of the most visible technologies affecting development of the digital economy and industries across the board. It provides deep insight and understanding into customer behaviour, and creates a raft of opportunities for creative marketing. Learn how to harness the power of Big Data from the tech-savvy. Moderator: Toa Charm, Chairperson, Business Intelligence and Big Data Special Interest Group, Hong Kong Computer Society

Big Data is undoubtedly one of the most visible technologies affecting development of the digital economy and industries across the board. It provides deep insight and understanding into customer behaviour, and creates a raft of opportunities for creative marketing. Learn how to harness the power of Big Data from the tech-savvy. Moderator: Toa Charm, Chairperson, Business Intelligence and Big Data Special Interest Group, Hong Kong Computer Society

Big Data is undoubtedly one of the most visible technologies affecting development of the digital economy and industries across the board. It provides deep insight and understanding into customer behaviour, and creates a raft of opportunities for creative marketing. Learn how to harness the power of Big Data from the tech-savvy. Moderator: Toa Charm, Chairperson, Business Intelligence and Big Data Special Interest Group, Hong Kong Computer Society Speakers: – Tony Tai, General Manager, IBM China / Hong Kong Limited – Patrik Forsstrom, Head of Business Intelligence, Cathay Pacific Airways – Andy Ann, Founder and CEO, NDN Group (HK) Limited

Big Data is undoubtedly one of the most visible technologies affecting development of the digital economy and industries across the board. It provides deep insight and understanding into customer behaviour, and creates a raft of opportunities for creative marketing. Learn how to harness the power of Big Data from the tech-savvy. Moderator: Toa Charm, Chairperson, Business Intelligence and Big Data Special Interest Group, Hong Kong Computer Society Speakers: – Tony Tai, General Manager, IBM China / Hong Kong Limited – Patrik Forsstrom, Head of Business Intelligence, Cathay Pacific Airways – Andy Ann, Founder and CEO, NDN Group (HK) Limited

前海國際聯絡服務有限公司於11月15日舉行《與投資者對話:如何打動深港創賽評委》講座,邀請前海管理局香港事務首席聯絡官洪為民博士、香港數碼港管理有限公司代表公眾使命總監湛家揚博士、香港菁英會主席盧金榮博士、亞太文化創意產業總會創會會長蔡漢成教授、前海深港青年事務專業諮詢委員會委員關俊華先生、集信軟件科技有限公司行政總裁羅耀宗先生、紫荊厚德商學院執行院長陳立文博士、國際青年商會香港總會上屆會長梁國柱先生、亞太文化創意產業總會副會長、越世代(iGen6)集團董事總經理馬維業先生及兩支深港創賽的香港區優勝隊伍Gear-up Charger及SwiftCam探討如何在1分鐘內打動投資者、A輪集資必勝攻略、2017創業通勝等熱門話題,讓創業者及準創業者捕捉融資機會。


前海國際聯絡服務有限公司於11月15日舉行《與投資者對話:如何打動深港創賽評委》講座,邀請前海管理局香港事務首席聯絡官洪為民博士、香港數碼港管理有限公司代表公眾使命總監湛家揚博士、香港菁英會主席盧金榮博士、亞太文化創意產業總會創會會長蔡漢成教授、前海深港青年事務專業諮詢委員會委員關俊華先生、集信軟件科技有限公司行政總裁羅耀宗先生、紫荊厚德商學院執行院長陳立文博士、國際青年商會香港總會上屆會長梁國柱先生、亞太文化創意產業總會副會長、越世代(iGen6)集團董事總經理馬維業先生及兩支深港創賽的香港區優勝隊伍Gear-up Charger及SwiftCam探討如何在1分鐘內打動投資者、A輪集資必勝攻略、2017創業通勝等熱門話題,讓創業者及準創業者捕捉融資機會。