


前海國際聯絡服務有限公司於11月15日舉行《與投資者對話:如何打動深港創賽評委》講座,邀請前海管理局香港事務首席聯絡官洪為民博士、香港數碼港管理有限公司代表公眾使命總監湛家揚博士、香港菁英會主席盧金榮博士、亞太文化創意產業總會創會會長蔡漢成教授、前海深港青年事務專業諮詢委員會委員關俊華先生、集信軟件科技有限公司行政總裁羅耀宗先生、紫荊厚德商學院執行院長陳立文博士、國際青年商會香港總會上屆會長梁國柱先生、亞太文化創意產業總會副會長、越世代(iGen6)集團董事總經理馬維業先生及兩支深港創賽的香港區優勝隊伍Gear-up Charger及SwiftCam探討如何在1分鐘內打動投資者、A輪集資必勝攻略、2017創業通勝等熱門話題,讓創業者及準創業者捕捉融資機會。


With the theme of “Accelerating Business Decision with Internet of Things” this year, the Hong Kong IoT Conference 2016 is the 4th occasion on which GS1 HK have hosted. Dr. Toa Charm is invited to participate and join as a panelist at the panel discussion session.

Gartner, Inc. forecasts that 6.4 billion connected things will be in use worldwide in 2016, up 30 percent from 2015, and will reach 20.8 billion by 2020. In 2016, 5.5 million new things will get connected every day. While Gartner identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2016 and the device mesh was ranked number 1 among the 10 trends. An evolving digital mesh of smart machines will connect billions of things into a continuous digital experience.

Hence, Internet of Things is no longer a myth; it is HAPPENING RIGHT NOW and spearheading in our business and daily life. This annual premier industry forum gathers industry practitioners and technology experts to share insights and discuss the pragmatic steps required and best practice of applying Internet of Things enabling technologies spanning from sensors, M2M, cloud computing, big data, data analytics, to storage, security, mobility, business intelligent etc with the ultimate goals to uplift business performance and customer satisfaction.

Don’t  miss the chance to register the Hong Kong Internet of Things Conference 2016. The event, which is a signature forum that held annually, received overwhelming responses from the industry pioneers in the past three years.

Hong Kong ICT Awards 2016 (Best FinTech Award) is being held during October 2015 to April 2016 by the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB).   Dr. Toa Charm is invited by HKIB to be an assessor of the Best FinTech Award.  

The Hong Kong ICT Awards aims at recognising and promoting outstanding information and communications technology (ICT) inventions and applications, thereby encouraging innovation and excellence among Hong Kong’s ICT talents and enterprises in their constant pursuit of creative and better solutions to meet business and social needs.

The Hong Kong ICT Awards was established in 2006 with the collaborative efforts of the industry, academia and the Government. Steered by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, and organised by Hong Kong ICT industry associations and professional bodies, the Awards aims at building a locally espoused and internationally acclaimed brand of ICT awards.

There are eight categories under the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2016, including the new Best FinTech Award. There will be one Grand Award in each category, and an “Award of the Year” will be selected from the eight Grand Awards by the Grand Judging Panel.

There are three streams as:

1) Best FinTech (Banking and Insurance) Award

2) Best FinTech (Capital Market) Award

3) Best FinTech (Emerging Solution) Award

Dr. Toa Charm is invited to be the co-moderator in Swedish-Hong Kong FinTech Seminar & B2B Meetings which will be held on January 20, 2016.

FinTech is the sector with the highest investments in Sweden. Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, is one of Europe’s largest hubs for FinTech investments and the city attracted the second most FinTech investments in Europe over the past five years. In 2014, investments in Stockholm based FinTech companies reached US$266 million, representing almost 20% of the total investments in European FinTech. It is remarkable that Sweden has achieved such achievement in FinTech.

Mr. Per Bolund, Swedish Minister for Financial Markets and Consumer Affairs, is going to be the keynote speaker, while Professor K C Chan, GBS, JP, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury of the HKSAR Government (TBC) are guest of honor to give opening remarks at the seminar.

In addition, Ms. Maria Rankka, CEO of Stockholm Chamber of Commerce and Dr. Toa Charm, Co-Chairperson of FinTech Special Interest Group (FTSIG) and Vice President (Innovation and Technology) of Hong Kong Computer Society will be co-moderators of the event.

華人大數據學會於2015年11月19日與香港互聯網專業協會聯手呈獻「全球創業周系列活動:深港跨境科技協作研討會」,研討會特以「智慧城市與大數據」為主題,吸引包括香港科技大學計算機科學工程學系系主任楊強教授、美國ADARA公司首席分析官程杰博士、亞洲大數據精英諮詢公司首席合夥人湛家揚博士、華為技術有限公司企業BG智慧城市解決方案總監李韶坤先生、深圳市中農數據有限公司副總經理王玉樓女士、雲端與流動運算專業人士協會主席陳家豪先生及Bubbleslink 董事嚴偉文先生等海內外逾150名大數據專家、學者出席並交換對智慧城市的未來發展、大數據對智慧城市建造的重要性,以及一些和大數據應用及私隱顧慮的議題分享專業意見及經驗。



1) 前海管理局香港事務首席聯絡官 洪為民博士
2) 京東金融副總裁 金麟
3) 玖富高級副總裁兼首席戰略官 林彥軍
4) 中銀香港科技風險管理主管 鄭松岩
5) 香港電腦學會金融科技專題組主席 湛家揚博士
6) 杭州挖財互聯網金融服務有限公司總裁 顧晨煒
7) 都都寶行政總裁 何宗盛
8) 步步聯貸聯合創始人兼行政總裁 張鄭芬
9) 順豐速運集團金融服務事業群供應鏈金融部負責人 劉英華
10) 錢方好近創始人和CEO 李英豪
11) Octo3 Ltd.行政總裁 Ajmal Samuel
12) 康宏金融集團首席資訊科技總監 鄭希煒
13) 互聯網專業協會副會長 陳家豪
14) 四方創意有限公司行政總裁 鄧泰霖
15) 報貝有限公司創辦人兼首席執行官 林籽妍
16) 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所合夥人 吳冠豪
17) Nexusguard Consulting Ltd 行政總裁 龐博文

Questex Media invites Dr. Toa Charm to moderate a panel discussion on the topic “Disruptive Banking – Innovation, Trends and Risks” in the FinTech Innovation Forum 2015 in Hong Kong on 9 Oct, 2015.

The traditional financial services industry is in a state of flux. Regulators are making compliance and innovation difficult for financial services companies. Meanwhile, non-financial institutions are entering the market with a host of services designed around the customers. Getting a loan or credit is no longer a service reserved for financial institutions—now tech-savvy consumers can get it from other new entrants.

Paying for services is also being disrupted. Now we have mobile and internet alternatives that reduce our dependence on financial institutions. Meanwhile, currency itself is evolving, with the emergence of cryptocurrency.
Join the industry conversation

So how will the financial services industry evolve? Who will be the winners and losers? Will traditional financial services as we know it change forever? And who are the startups in Hong Kong who are disrupting the industry?
Find the answers at the Fintech Innovation Forum. Featuring a varied group of industry practitioners, advocators, detractors, futurists, analyst and thinkers, it will examine new trends and show how financial services is being rewired for a new future.

Key topics

  •  Banks vs non-banks
  •  Social listening and analytics
  •  New strategies to fight fraud
  •  Banking as a cloud service
  •  Omni channel global e-commerce
  •  The impact of mobile payment systems
  •  Social and P2P lending
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Fintech Accelerator programs
  • Hong Kong’s own Fintech stars

To thrive in the faster forward world, top banking, insurance, asset management, brokerage, payments and financial exchanges need to meet performance and security challenges and capture new opportunities in cloud computing and mobile delivery. Dr. Toa Charm is invited to share his view by summarizing what the ingredients necessary to be a global centre of FinTech innovation and growth are; what the key technology focuses for the year of 2015 and ahead in FSI and how to improve security strategy to thwart cyber threats…etc.

To thrive in the faster forward world, financial institutions need to exceed customer expectations for instant, secure and reliable online access to all content and services. Top banking, insurance, asset management, brokerage, payments and financial exchanges need to meet performance and security challenges and capture new opportunities in cloud computing and mobile delivery. As financial services institutions migrate to hybrid and private cloud infrastructures, they need cloud-based performance and security services that work across their combined data center and hosting environments.

Carrying the theme of “Competing in the Digital Age: Tips for Today’s Financial Institutions” and targeting around 60+ FSI Professionals , the luncheon will gather some industry experts who will share with us some winning approaches in a new generation of financial services by summarizing what the ingredients necessary to be a global centre of FinTech innovation and growth are; what the key technology focuses for the year of 2015 and ahead in FSI and how to improve security strategy to thwart cyber threats…etc.

The forum was successfully held.  Dr. Toa Charm’s participation in the forum was highly appreciated and accepted by the audiences and organizers. Over 60 senior executives from financial services industry attended the talk. For more information about the event, please login as GCE members or join our membership.

Latest development on FinTech and the opportunities for Hong Kong

Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) ICT Advisory Committee invites Dr. Toa Charm, GCE Consulting’s Managing Partner, to give a briefing session on FinTech development in Hong Kong. The members of the HKTDC ICT Advisory Committee are all senior management of local and international ICT companies such as HSBC, IBM, Microsoft, PCCW, etc.  They provide advices to HKTDC to shape the future business of Hong Kong through ICT perspectives.